A bundle of ways to approach exposition

In last week's writing course, we were playing with exposition - and coined a new word, "to exposit".

(It does already exist, but with a slightly different meaning, so we get to keep our claim to coinage.)

When the writing's swimming along, we don't even notice the exposition. When it's not... Several paragraphs info-dumping a confusing tangle of politics or a complex bit of solar physics. A laboured explanation of a room or country's layout, until the reader feels they should be drawing a map. An awkward explanation of who this new character is and how everyone knows each other. A hasty backpeddling full of "hads" to bring the reader up to speed. All stuff we want to avoid, through deft and elegant exposition. These are the strategies we brainstormed, as a handy reference for when it's not all flowing artlessly from our pens:

smells / sounds can give clues to location ~ actions can give clues to character ~ see it ~ implication ~ be selective ~ a character explains to another ~ argument ~ character's natural thoughts ~ unexpected contrast / against expectations ~ character's observations ~ silences, meaningful looks ~ reaction to event / setting ~ add bits when they matter ~ dialogue ~ signifiers ~ out-of-kilter reactions ~ little by little dripfeed ~ map ~ letters to... ~ tone in dialogue ~ flashback ~ diary entries ~ dreams ~ prologues ~ photo albums ~ other people's conversations ~ whole scenes to act it out ~ subtext

What technique works depends on what you're expositing (relationships, back story, world-building, setting, specialist info about your book from politics to particle physics), how much space you have, and your writing style. But every time the narrative grinds to a halt for a clunky chunk of explanation, we can scoop out the explanation and weave it back into the flow.

Feel free to add any useful strategies of your own in the comments.

Coming Next:

6–7pm (UK time) TUES 18 MAR 2025

Explore the Essentials of Storytelling in friendly, fun company.

Story Elements Creative Writing course
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Explore the 12 key elements of story architecture in lively workshop-style classes.


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