First, you have a time-period prompt - set a timer, follow the links, and spend 10 mins researching the time period. Then scroll down the rest of the way for your writing prompt. Spend 10 mins writing without doing more research. Afterwards, you can check any details you need to, but first let your writing flow uninterrupted.
Your time period: 1970s (UK)
First: Click here to do 10 minutes of research on Retrowow

Your premise: The protagonist's partner can read his / her mind
It's time to write.
First: Click here to do 10 minutes of research on Retrowow

Your premise: The protagonist's partner can read his / her mind
It's time to write.
Want more? Try another Quick-fire research prompt: Vikings or get more links for historical research on my links page. See all the writing prompts on the blog, including the 12 days of writing.
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